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Minecraft Creeper Fleece Throw Blanket  (Merchandise)

Release Date: 12/23/2022

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Minecraft Creeper Fleece Throw Blanket



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Price: $24.95

MSRP: $27.99


Minecraft Creeper Fleece Throw Blanket (Video Game Merchandise)

Protect yourselves from the lurking zombies or explosive creatures of the night with this Creeper fleece blanket from the best-selling video game of all time, Minecraft! This soft, fuzzy cover will keep all Minecraft fans warm during the cold nights as they wait in their huts till morning! The blanket is made from 100% Polyester material that's made to last through the toughest of winters, so cuddle up by the fire with a cup of your favorite hot beverage as this blanket is sure to last.

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